The sprawling premises of Army Public School Golconda witnessed an Art and Craft exhibition on the sunny morning of 9th October 2018. It was inaugurated by the Principal Mrs Vidya Muralidharan. The exhibition added colour and Vigour to the ongoing Parent Teacher Meet in the school. It showcased the talent of the dexterous skills of the Primary and Middle School students. Beautiful art work and creative craft items were on display. The students could transform their creativity into reality under the able guidance of Mr. Rajendra Behra, the Art & Craft teacher. The exhibits included clay modeling, thump impression painting, paper posting, origami art, vegetable painting, glass painting, pencil sketching, pencil stands, flower pots, 3D frames etc. The exhibition got an overwhelming response from the parents as they felt proud of their children's dexterity. . Army public school Golconda intends to have such events more often.